The Brazilian Acai Berry

The Brazilian Acai Berry
One of Nature's Top Super Fruits

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Expect EVERYTHING To Change!

"The greatest motivator of progress" Dr. Myles Monroe states, "is Crisis, or Change. The word Crisis means an event that is not of your control." For example, a loved one passing away, a natural disaster destroying your property, or being one of 2,000 people in a company, laid off due to downsizing. These all could be considered catastrophic events in your life that are out of your control.

"You cannot control what's going on in your environment" Monroe adds, "but you can control your thoughts about it." In times of Crisis, it can be difficult to stay positive and think positively, but if you are able to see every Crisis or problem as an opportunity for improvement, than you can grow and become stronger than before. For example, let's say you were just laid off from a job you held for over 15 years. You might have thought you had everything in your life in order and that some day you would retire from your job with a decent enough pension. Then Crisis occurs! Your company is bought out by another company, and so as to reduce duplication among positions, your entire division is downsized and you get laid off.

Now, you have a family to feed, a huge mortgage to pay, and car payments to make. So what do you do? Do you hide from creditors, foreclose on your house, and end up like this guy with your head in sand? Or, do you see this as an opportunity for growth and try your hand at something new? Maybe you really didn't like your job. Maybe you hated the commute. Maybe you always had felt like your job took up too much of your time away from your family and the things that mean the most to you.

Best-selling author and life coach Dr. Myles Monroe, finishes his speech on Crisis and Change by leaving the audience with this thought "It's not what happens to you that matters, it's what you DO about what happens to you that truly matters." When I tore up my ankle this past February and I couldn't work, Katie and I began to hurt financially and we were scared we wouldn't be able to pay off everything for our wedding (5 days from now). Although we were scared, we didn't let that fear get the better of us. We saw what appeared to be a Crisis, as really being an opportunity to work our MonaVie business even harder than before. Through determination, perseverance, a lot of downtime, and not giving into fear, I'm happy to say we have enjoyed some success.

Seeing as this will be my last article until June (we'll be on our Hawaiian Honeymoon for two weeks), I'd like to finish with a quote from one of my favorite novels, The Count of Monte Cristo: Edmond speaking to Albert Mondego - "Life is a storm my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man, is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine!"

Thank you for reading. Take care everyone...

1 comment:

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