The Brazilian Acai Berry

The Brazilian Acai Berry
One of Nature's Top Super Fruits

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

East Coast MonaVie Leadership Conference 2010

Tomorrow Katie and I, along with some of our Team members, leave for Atlanta, GA to attend a massive three day MonaVie teaching and training event. This particular event takes place only once a year on our side of the country. From what I've heard, it is not one to be missed. In fact, it's supposed to be the biggest one MonaVie has ever held! MonaVie really knows how to take care of their distributors!

First off, Katie and I will be staying at the 4 star Hyatt Regency in Downtown Atlanta, with breakfast and dinner included. So during any down time, we can take part in some of the hotel's luxurious amenities (outdoor heated swimming pool, 5,000 sq. ft. exercise gym).

Next, we'll be hearing from all of the top leaders in our company. Starting off, will be the top four earners, Brig and Lita Hart, and Steve and Gina Merritt. They will give an eager crowd of some 15,000 MonaVie distributors invaluable information, covering such topics as business building skills, leadership skills, recruiting skills, etc. We will also hear from numerous other top earners in the company who will share their stories and business tips. Other speakers include best-selling author Keith Cameron Smith, writer of The Top 10 Distinctions Between The Millionaires and the Middle Class, and Dr. Myles Munroe of Bahamas Faith Ministries, Intl. who is an international best-selling author, lecturer, teacher, life coach, government consultant, and leadership mentor.

I've saved the best part for last... Katie and I can write the whole trip off as a business expense! Every dollar we spend on food, travel, and lodging can be written off next year's tax return. We love having a part-time business!

I'm sorry to say I will not be posting another article until the beginning of next week. All two of you, who are keeping up so far, will just have to wait. That article though will include every piece of valuable information I pick up from these great men and women in our company who are financially free and living life on their terms. They say that if you want to get anywhere in life, you have to follow those who have already been there. That's what this trip is all about... and two weeks before our wedding. Can you tell we're committed or what?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

MonaVie Emv Lite - All The Energy, Less Than Half The Calories

The countdown to the release of MonaVie's Emv Lite for purchase has begun! On Monday, May 3, 2010, MonaVie will officially launch their newest product in the U.S. and Canada.

MonaVie Emv Lite recharges your body and mind with a boost of sustained energy, and 100 fewer calories than original Emv. For those who drink MonaVie Emv energy drinks as Katie and I do - as an exercise enhancer - Emv lite should fit the bill for those calorie conscious exercise enthusiasts.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday Brunch A Hit!

Yesterday we had some of our MonaVie team members over our home for Brunch, as well as our good friend Amanda. Amanda, being the health-conscious individual she is, overheard Katie talk about MonaVie at work and wanted to know more. After we ate the delicious feast Katie prepared for us, which consisted of homemade blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit salad, bacon, mimosas and MonaVie juice, we all moved to the living room (we live in NYC, so it's literally two steps away from the dining room) for a brief MonaVie presentation.

As I shared the presentation, fellow team members Kyra, Nick, and the beautiful Katie, added with their testimonials about how amazing they've felt since drinking the juice. Well that's all Amanda needed to hear. She jumped at the chance to sign up and get two cases of MonaVie Active. Amanda liked the idea of drinking one case for herself, having another four bottles to share with her family and friends, and not having to pay the $39 enrollment fee.

Amanda, I see only good things for you. Congratulations on taking your first step towards a life of BETTER HEALTH and BETTER WEALTH (picture to follow). Kyra and Nick, thank you for your support and participation, and the mimosas :) . We loved having you all over to our home. To my beautiful soon-to-be-wife Katie, thank you for all your hard work, love, and support. I love you Sweetie!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Acai, One of Nature's Top Super Foods

The Acai berry has been prized for centuries as a source of health, energy, and longevity. MonaVie freeze-dried Acai is unparalleled in its antioxidant strength. MonaVie freeze dried Acai boasts more than 15 times the antioxidant capacity of whole blueberries and more than 20 times the antioxidant capacity of whole raspberries. Just four ounces of MonaVie has the equivalent antioxidant capacity of approximately 13 servings of fruits and vegetables.

What does this all mean? What's the point of your reading this? Will the Phillies ever bring home the pennant again? I don't know about the Phillies, but I will tell you this information comes directly from the MonaVie approved claims document regarding the Acai berry and MonaVie's patented freeze-dried process for harnessing the full nutritional benefit of the berry. You see because the Acai berry is only found in Brazil, some 3,700 miles away from the Continental U.S., it has to be prepared and packaged in a very specific manner, otherwise it begins to lose its nutritional "power". MonaVie is the only company in the world who is able to do this.

So, what does this mean for you? The reason why drinking antioxidant-rich MonaVie is so important is because the higher the antioxidant levels, the more free radicals can be destroyed. Free radicals are those harmful molecules all around us that contribute to premature aging, as well as degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes. So, if you're thinking about starting to drink an Acai berry based beverage for its nutritional benefits, MonaVie is the only one you'll ever need. See, I just saved you a lot of time and money searching through and trying countless other Acai berry beverages. You're welcome :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Congratulations Kyra and J.C.

Our good friends Kyra and J.C. just took their first step towards a life of BETTER HEALTH and BETTER WEALTH yesterday when they enrolled as distributors in MonaVie. To get them started off right, Katie and I are going to have Sunday Brunch in our home, in their honor, followed by a brief MonaVie presentation. Our 1st goal for Kyra and J.C. is for them to be able to drink this amazing juice every month, for FREE.
We love you guys!
Welcome to our winning Team.

Friday, April 23, 2010

MonaVie In The News Montage

MonaVie juice products have been all over the news lately. People from all walks of life are touting the amazing effects they're feeling drink this stuff. Don't take my word for it though...
check out this link:
MonaVie In The News Montage

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Hello and welcome to NYC MonaVie. My name is Jeremy Ben Sherman and this is my MonaVie story. For almost five years now I've been working for EMS (Emergency Medical Services) taking care of the injured and sick people of New York City. My soon-to-be-wife Katie, has been pursuing a career in the performing arts since graduating college six years ago. This pursuit of hers has been very stressful because the job market is extremely competitive, so in order to make ends meet, she's been working as a waitress. Fortunately, she's a singing waitress on Broadway, so at least she still gets to perform nightly.

We met, working as servers, at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company in Times Square, NY about five and a half years ago. We worked a few shifts together and then she was gone. I didn't know that she would spend that summer performing in Summer Stock in Maine. The following Thanksgiving I took a New Jersey transit train bound for NYC, from my Father's house in NJ. As if by some divine intervention, she got on three stops later. Of all the train cars, and of all the seats available, she sat in the one directly across from me. Well it had been at least eight months since we last saw each other, but I recognized her beautiful face immediately.

She was talking on her cell phone, and I made it appear as if I was reading the Biography of Ghandi, but all I could think about was what I was going to say to her when she hung up. The moment arrived, and I said "You used to work at Bubba Gump's, right?" I know... classic pickup line. She said yes, and that she remembered me. We spent the rest of the train ride talking and... flirting. By the time we reached Penn Station, I finally got up the courage to ask her for her phone number. We had our first date one week later and have been together ever since. We will be married in about three weeks as of this post.

About nine months ago we were introduced to MonaVie. We first heard about it from Katie's mother, who had just enrolled. She gave us a bottle of the Active to try and told us a little bit about the business opportunity. We had a taste and to be perfectly honest, we weren't too crazy about it. It wasn't until this past January (when we were introduced to the Pulse, Mmun, and Emv products) that we finally realized we really had something here. We absolutely loved the way they tasted and more importantly how they made us feel. Katie gave the Active another go, and after a couple days got used to the taste. It probably had to do with the way her knees and back felt afterwards. Since she's not only a beautiful singer, but also an incredibly talented dancer, she has suffered from joint pains for many years. Since drinking MonaVie Active, her pains are all gone. Also she's been sleeping much better, which means I've been sleeping better too. Thank you MonaVie :)

For me, I noticed that when I drank the Emv energy drinks about 20 minutes before exercising, I had incredible workouts. I was pushing more weight and running faster for longer. Now I'm no Brad Pitt, but I'm in pretty good shape if I do say so myself. Normally I'd poop out after about 45 minutes into my workout, but since drinking MonaVie Emv, I have to force myself to stop after an hour and a half. So basically, what I do everyday is drink 2 ounces of M(mun) after breakfast, to protect my body from the sick people in NYC I encounter; I drink 1 can of Emv twenty minutes before I exercise; and because my Father suffers from heart disease, I drink 2 ounces of MonaVie Pulse after dinner (4 ounces if I ate meat).

One week after we were introduced to the MonaVie Pulse, M(mun), and Emv products, we were brought to a MonaVie Tasting Party. Ambushed is more like it. Katie and I thought we were gong over to our good friend (and now mentor) Mace's house to try some new wine he picked up. He said for us to come over for a tasting and my mind automatically went to alcohol. Anyway, we drank some free MonaVie juice as he thoroughly explained the compensation plan. He told us how there are 10 ways to earn income; and that MonaVie's CEO was named Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year for 2009; and how MonaVie reached the $1 Billion in revenue mark faster than any other company in history; and how MonaVie has produced more millionaires in its five years of existence, faster than any other company in history. He then told us that MonaVie ranked #1 on the 2009 Inc. 500 list for the Food & Beverage category, ranked #3 for revenue, and #18 overall out of the 500 fastest growing companies in the world.

Needless to say we both were very excited about this, but Katie and I decided the timing wasn't right (with the wedding and honeymoon coming up and all) and that we would need a little more convincing before we could commit. So later that week we attended our first local meeting. It was held at the swanky Midtown Manhattan Hilton. When we arrived we were immediately blown away!!! The energy of the attendants and the excitement of the speaker were amazing. The room, that held 500 or so people, was above capacity by at least 200! At one point, we were actually threatened by someone that worked for the Hilton, who said he'd throw us out if we didn't find chairs for all the people standing; some kind of fire hazard or something. Little did he know that there were four Staten Island firefighters in the room who netted over a million dollars, part-time last year just by telling their friends about this amazing juice.

The best part of the night for Katie and me was when the speaker brought some people up on stage with him to tell their own stories. These average people, were making well above average residual incomes. Each person's story was more exciting than the next! They each told their stories of how they started with very little and now are making $100K, $250K, even $600K annually. This one 70+ year old guy, who used to be a beer vendor at Yankee Stadium for 32 years, is now a Blue Diamond in the company making over $350,000 a year... residually!

Well we were sold after the event and couldn't wait to get started! We signed up that very night, had a tasting party of our own a few days later, (thank you Mace for supplying the juice and materials) and have been rocking this thing ever since! We started our own part-time MonaVie business, for a very small investment, all the while working 50 hours a week each at our day jobs, and saving up to pay for our entire wedding and honeymoon. If that wasn't enough, one month later I completely ruptured my ATF ligament in the my ankle and have been out of work ever since. It took awhile before I was able to stand without the aid of crutches, let alone walk. I'm just so thankful that we enrolled with MonaVie when we did. Katie and I have been pulling through, having tasting parties, attending meetings, and introducing this wonderful product to as many people as we can. We've only just started and we're making on average an additional $100 per week. An extra $100 a week may not sound like a lot of money to you, but not only are we now drinking for free, over the course of a year, that translates to over $5,000. Good luck asking your boss for $5,000 raise.

As for the future, our main goal is to become financially free and we do believe it is possible with MonaVie. We both know we can never be free from the grind of waking up, going to work, paying bills, going to sleep, and starting all over again the next day. We know we can never be free doing what we're doing right now. My personal goal, is to bring Katie home from the restaurant and retire her from a life of waitressing. I do not want my beautiful wife carrying heavy dishes up and down stairs, or belting out ABBA tunes to foreigners who can't understand her, when she's six months pregnant. I do not want someone, other than Katie or myself, raising our children because we have to work all the time. We want to be able to provide our children with the kind of life we never had, because both our parents were never home. We believe that's not the way people in this country should have to live or grow up. I believe this is still the Land of Opportunity! If you agree with me; if you want to change your life for the better; if you want to know more about this amazing opportunity my soon-to-be-wife and I firmly believe in, we urge you to check out our website at, put up a post of you own, or even shoot me an e-mail at and I'll quickly reply.

Thank you for taking the time read my MonaVie story and I look forward to reading yours...